

[Bridge Program] The 4+1 Bridge Program Promotion Seminar is held at 13:30-15:30 on May 17th, 2023.

  • Date:2023-05-01
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[Bridge Program]

The 4+1 Bridge Program Promotion Seminar is held at 13:30-15:30 on May 17th, 2023.


Date        : 13:30-15:30 on May 17th, 2023

Venue      : MD1001, Cardinal Shan Building (College of Medicine) 

Signup     : (in Mandarin)


I.  Intro:

To provide another pathway for undergraduate students to pursue a master’s degree in the US, the College of Management, through collaborations with prestigious universities, has launched the 4+1 Bridge Program since 2005. Students will be able to obtain their desired US master’s degree within 5 years. They start to study 3-6 master’s level courses in the senior (the 4th) year and proceed to the selected US universities after they meet all the admission requirements and receive offers from the partner universities. After they complete all the required courses, they will be able to get the desired master’s degree.  


II. Program Stregnths:

*** Study only 1 year in the US. Save the time and the cost of 1-2 years.

*** Study in Taiwan first as a transitional springboard before attending the partner universities in the US for a full English teaching environment. The living costs and the tuition are much lower in Taiwan.

*** Avoid tedious application processes and uncertainty.

*** Graduates from universities in the US can apply for OPT (Optional Practical Training) to better prepare themselves to get a job in the US in the future.

*** Get to immerse in the metropolitans to experience multi-cultures and develop international perspectives.


III. Application:

*** Phone: +886 2 2905-2651 Secretary Bell Chiu

*** E-mail:

*** Office: Room LM209-1, Ricci Hall

*** More Details (in Mandarin):



