

UTD Study Abroad in FJCU, Taiwan

  • Date:2023-08-14
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The Naveen Jindal School of Management, UT Dallas, and the College of Management, FJCU UTD just signed the 4+1 Bridge Program agreement in April. The faculty members in UT Dallas are excited to take the first academic exchange group to visit Fu Jen Catholic University on August 14th. 


Dean Bruce Lee and Associate Dean Hsiao-Yun Huang warmly welcome Prof. Hubert Zydorek and 25 students. The group not only visited the College of Textile and Fabrics, the great incubation base of the fashion industry in Taiwan, but they also visited Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital which ranked as the #1 Area Hospital this year. Moreover, they also participated in 2 lectures: Unveiling Taiwan: Exploring the Island’s Culture, People, and Economic Power by Prof. Men Hsien Yen, Dept. of Business Administration and Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan, Past, Present, and Future by Prof. Jeson Chen, Dept. of Electric Engineering. Last but not least, our guests from UT Dallas also enjoy the signature drinks in Taiwan-Boba Tea from Nap Tea. The Nap Tea COO Cheng-Han Lin is also an Alumna of the Dept. of Statistics and Information Science. He introduced the Tea business in Taiwan and its development. Students not only learn a great deal in various aspects and enjoy great food and drinks.


Two student representatives who just participated in the Future Leaders Program at UT Dallas in July served as the student ambassadors enthusiastically to help with the whole event. 




